News from the Good Shepherd Orphanage in Haiti
- posted on March 15, 2020
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We received the following good news from the orphanage on Feb 17th! Our church contributed $500 toward this project in addition to some individuals who made donations. The Women’s Fellowship is now sponsoring two children at the orphanage and the youth group is sponsoring one, as well as Jeffrey and Lynn Dick. The pictures of these boys are on the new bulletin board by Fellowship Hall. More pictures of the food truck are there as well.
The 40-foot food container you helped us purchase has arrived to The Good Shepherd Orphanage! In November, we shared our urgent need with you that our food supply had run out due to the humanitarian crisis in Haiti. This container is full of pre-packaged food to serve the community and feed our children at TGSO. There are 272,160 well-balanced meals, called Manna Packs, that are specially formulated by nutritionists to provide essential carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. These packets form the central component of daily meals, but they are also designed to be supplemented with fresh fruits and vegetables; so we will continue to grow and buy local food when we can. These Manna Packs have provided immense relief to the Good Shep-herd Orphanage ministry by allowing us to go on feed-ing over 150 people daily through our community feeding program.
We hope you enjoy the photos and video of the boys unloading the truck of food as much as we enjoyed receiving it! The excitement we all felt that day was truly palpable. We cannot thank you enough for this generous gift. In the words of one of our GSO boys, Sami (the boy with his hands raised in the photo, “We’re all going to eat tonight!”