During the Season of Easter we will be using a service called Heart of the Matter.
There are some ways you can prepare at home for this celebration.
1) Worry Stone: Each week we will mention and use a “worry stone.” This can be any type of stone. If you want, you can paint or draw a heart on it. This is a great idea for children. If you do paint one, please share it with us online. It could be a stone from your garden or a stone you collected from some place that you have on a shelf. Simple or elegant.
2) Food: Each Sunday we will recall how the early church would gather as noted in Acts 2:46-47: “Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having the goodwill of all the people. And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.”
So, you are invited to have something simple to eat during worship. Maybe a piece of bread (toast and jam), a danish, some fruit, or even something larger if you like. We will offer a word of grace and provide a time to eat with scripture and music playing.
3) Candle: Each Sunday we invite you to light a candle as a part of worship. Any type of candle is fine.
Worship will be recorded to a cd for those without internet. Just contact the church.
Want to listen to a past worship service? Click on the church letterhead above and it will take you directly to the church’s website for access.
This Sunday, April 26th our scripture reading is from John 2:1-14. It is the story of Jesus having breakfast on the beach with his disciples. So, you might want to have some breakfast foods for worship.
Next Sunday, May 3rd we will celebrate Holy Communion and Rev. Mike Tupper will be assisting with the service.
The May/June Upper Room has arrived. We also have the most recent copy of These Days. If you would like a copy of either of these daily devotionals, you can stop by during the Food Pantry Hours (M/W/F from 10 to noon) or call the church office and one can be delivered to you.
Tuesday Prayer Group
The Tuesday Prayer Group continues to meet online and by phone Tuesdays at 1:30. If you would like to connect give Pastor Dick a call, 214-8924.
If you have prayer requests, please let us know. These will be added to the Tuesday and Sunday lists .
Please hold the following in your prayers this week:
- Greg O’Niel
- Lynn Hiscock
- Karen Morey
- Bob Sollman
- Rick Olsen
- Lew Parsell
- Michael Hoyt
- Sophia Cochran
- Rick (Lynda Sharpe’s brother in hospital)
- CJ Johnson and his wife Verlene
All affected by the Coronavirus. (CoVid 19)
We pray for our brothers and sisters at First Congregational in Union City.
Family of Dora Zalar who died in Arizona. Her son is Gene Zalar who was a counselor at the school.
Family of Donna Ebert Pontarelli, cousin of Jade Suhr.
Church Building: Here at church the doors are locked and the church building is closed. Victoria will be here in the office M/W/F from 9:30—1:30 to do the most needed work. Pastor Dick will be here as well on a limited basis.
The Food Pantry continues to be open Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 10 to noon. Very steady flow of people coming through. We are very thankful for the many donations of food and money from members and friends. Thank you.
How Can We Help
You should be receiving a call from a member of the church each week to see how you are doing. If there is something at the church we can assist you with, please let them know or call the church.
How Can You Help
You can mail weekly church offerings to:
First Congregational Church
651 Phoenix Street
South Haven, MI 49090
Jeffrey Dick 269-214-8924
Mike Tupper 269-303-3743
Church Office: 268-637-3804
During these times of staying home, we trust that you are taking care of yourself, getting outside for a walk when the sun is shining.
May God’s blessings be with you.